The weather in Nizhny Novgorod from multiple sources
I was not able to choose where the weather is the most accurate, so I decided to gather information from different sites on one page and watch. If more than one show similar information, then perhaps you can believe!? Select, compare, believe it or not. If at least three stickers from five show similar weather, then I consider this information when planning your day or evening.
Some information about the climate in general down
The first in the list when prompted Weather in Nizhny Novgorod
I believed following site most of all …
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I also like this one, but it seems that it is usually slightly overestimates.
Appropriate for the site!?
From Yandex
Climate (average weather) in Nizhny Novgorod
The climate in Nizhny Novgorod, so-called temperate-continental, summer is just hot and winters is just cold, although there are abnormal jumps. The maximum duration of the day is for almost 18 hours, and the minimum is less than 7 hours. Cloudy is high enough up to 80% in the winter. Rainfall is more than 50% of the days in a year. Above zero degrees around since the beginning of April to end of October.
Weather is different in the lower and upper parts of the city. In beyond the river can be 5 degrees below.
The average summer temperature – 15 to 20 degrees.